Problems and possibilities - finding new ways to generate income
One of the biggest challenges facing the school is finding a steady stream of income to fund the day to day running costs.
Right now, there are no easy solutions - but investing in income generating projects, like the school farm, could change things.
Changing lives and challenging discrimination
St Joseph’s isn’t just a place for children with hearing loss to access education - it’s a community, fighting for inclusion and a bright future for vulnerable children.
Hearing Loss in Sierra Leone
The WHO estimates that 1.9% of the 250,000 children born in Sierra Leone each year - that’s 4,500 children each year - are born with hearing impairment, most of which is profound deafness.
A brief history of St Joseph’s School
St Joseph’s School for the Hearing Impaired was established in 1979, by the Sisters of Cluny, a group of nuns working in Makeni.